InformationAlbum NameGlory Songs (Japan Special Edition)ArtistAMPGenre랩/힙합Release Date2014.07.14Release Agency포크라노스OriginalYou Lift Me Up - AMP You delivered my soul from condemnation keep me from stumbling In the toughest of times keeping me in line through the trials and the oppositional sufferings Losing everything I ever worked for thinking life is over so I turned to You Then You showed me that losing everything to gain Christ is the pinnacle of life eternal life is knowing You In the midst of my suffering there You are standing close never remaining afar Giving me child-like faith I know You'll catch me Father if I let go of the bars There is no other like You there is no other that's true Faithful with never-ending compassionate lovingkindness in everything that You do Hosanna Hosanna yes You are mighty to save Hosanna Hosanna Hallelujah You conquered the grave My Savior You lift me up when my heavy heart is weary My Redeemer Your love never fails and is always constantly near me My Shelter and my refuge the One who knows my heart For the joy set before You our salvation You endured the cross So I consider all my sufferings at the present time Unworthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed to us You lift me up Lord Jesus lift me on eagle's wings You lift me up Lord Jesus lifting my heart to sing You lift me up Lord Jesus You are my everything Jesus apart from You I can't do anything You lift me up Lord Jesus lift me on eagle's wings You lift me up Lord Jesus lifting my heart to sing You lift me up Lord Jesus You are my everything Jesus apart from You I can't do anything O Lord You’re incredibly patient Your love it overwhelms Though I mess up every single day you hold me close in Your house I choose to dwell Sometimes my ways are crooked misguided or straight up wrong Often I put up a front for my friends that I am strong I don’t wanna show my weakness I gotta have it all together when I’m talking bout Jesus I must be perfect Who wants to listen to a guy who’s flawed and conceited Look at your other brothers with solid discourse and are never flustered you need to brush up on your speech it’s lacking luster My best was never good enough compared to other saints I didn’t measure up I failed again Man I feel like giving up Such an empty life God I need Your holy touch My heart said I didn’t need your mercy but you called my bluff You saw right through me I’m just a little kid trying to act all tough My calloused heart turned fleshy the walls are crumbling down I don't need to look a certain way I don't gotta have a certain style I've regained my vision and my sin has been exposed God thank you for setting me straight back on this narrow road You lift me up Lord Jesus lift me on eagle's wings You lift me up Lord Jesus lifting my heart to sing You lift me up Lord Jesus You are my everything Jesus apart from You I can't do anything You lift me up Lord Jesus lift me on eagle's wings You lift me up Lord Jesus lifting my heart to sing You lift me up Lord Jesus You are my everything Jesus apart from You I can't do anything You lift me up Lord Jesus lift me on eagle's wings You lift me up Lord Jesus lifting my heart to sing You lift me up Lord Jesus You are my everything Jesus apart from You I can't do anything Post navigation Uzuhan (우주한) – Be My Own Man (Feat. Sam Ock & Brother Su) AMP – Far Greater