InformationAlbum NameSunnyday ExpressArtist최윤영, 장경민, 김초원, 김도연 (SURL)Genre록/메탈, 인디음악Release Date2025.01.02Release Agency최윤영, 더 볼트Originalhow's the weather? son? Did you call mom? Hang out carefully and return before the sun sets What time is it my son? Call your dad right now Otherwise you won't be able to go out from today Run and Run Run Run and Run Run and Run Run ... Post navigation 김도연 (SURL), 김초원, 장경민, 최윤영 – Hongkong Businessman 안성훈, 정지소, 차화연, 채원빈 – 노란 샤쓰의 사나이 (Drama Live Ver)