InformationAlbum NameThe BeginningArtist헤이즈문 (Haze Moon)Genre인디음악, 록/메탈Release Date2020.01.04Release Agency비스킷 사운드HangulEncounter - 헤이즈문 (Haze Moon) In the light I was born You were gone through the dark Someone controls Beyond the sky We just live then we just die Ah Try to find Who is there But we can feel we can be Something’s wrong Something’s strange But we can feel we can be Ah Ah Hm We just live we’re nothing Never know and Never ends Just live then we’re just gone Ah AhRomanizationEncounter - heijeumun (Haze Moon) In the light I was born You were gone through the dark Someone controls Beyond the sky We just live then we just die Ah Try to find Who is there But we can feel we can be Something’s wrong Something’s strange But we can feel we can be Ah Ah Hm We just live we’re nothing Never know and Never ends Just live then we’re just gone Ah Ah Post navigation 하가 (HAGA) – 묻는다 헤이즈문 (Haze Moon) – Beyond