Album Name
You will never ever know
인디음악, 록/메탈
Release Date
Release Agency

Until the morning you were here
I never thought I’d live
without you
That lovely smile you showed me
I didn’t know I would never see it
The way you smiled at me
that morning
It was no different day
than any other day
I looked up at the sky
on the way home
The sky was darker
than any other day

When I came into the empty house
That’s when I realized it
You’re not there
That lovely smile you showed me
I can’t see it anymore
I can’t see it
The way you smiled at me
that evening

If you were there that evening
you would smile at me
Later that night
i couldn't sleep because
Lie on your bed
and i shed a lot of tears
you'll never know
how big this thing is
that i miss you
need you l love you
You will ever ever know
You'll never know
looking at the moon
alone and weeping without you
You will never ever know
Later that night
i couldn't sleep because
Lie on your bed
and i shed a lot of tears

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