Album Name
인디음악, 록/메탈
Release Date
Release Agency

Somebody there
Please turn off the light
I wanna sleep
But the night cant be found
Eternal sunshine
So beautiful words
But white without black
So where am I
I'm the one who lock the door
But why am I trapped
I feel like crapped
Can't you hear me
So where the fuck am I
The last supper
Yeah I made it
Of course I grow
맘에 들어 맘에 들어
It's so easy to close the eyes
Cheers and drink and sleep
But why do I bleed
So where the fuck am I
I'm the one who lock the door
But why am I trapped
I feel like crapped
Can't you hear me
So where the fuck am I
White without black
what's a point then

RomanizationSomebody there
Please turn off the light
I wanna sleep
But the night cant be found
Eternal sunshine
So beautiful words
But white without black
So where am I
I'm the one who lock the door
But why am I trapped
I feel like crapped
Can't you hear me
So where the fuck am I
The last supper
Yeah I made it
Of course I grow
mame deureo mame deureo
It's so easy to close the eyes
Cheers and drink and sleep
But why do I bleed
So where the fuck am I
I'm the one who lock the door
But why am I trapped
I feel like crapped
Can't you hear me
So where the fuck am I
White without black
what's a point then

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