Album Name
The Search
Release Date
Release Agency
Universal Music Group

I miss the days when
I had a smile on my face and
Wasn't so caught up
all of the small things
Wasn't so adamant
that I could handle everything
And wasn't so cautious
and always exhausted
And actually listened
to things that my heart said
Ridin' my bike
just ridin' my bike
Not overthinkin' my life
Not always wonderin'
if I'm a likeable person
Or someone that nobody likes
Not always stressin' 'bout money
Or losin' my job or scared
I ain't makin' the flight
Not always going
to bed every night
With this knot in my stomach
that never unwinds
What happened to me Yeah
what happened to me
When did I start to believe
I wasn't worth it
And question my purpose to breath
Wonderin' who I should be
happiness outta my reach
Scared to get back on my feet
Need to get rid
of what's detrimental
But it's hard to let go
When the thing that hurt you
helped you get to your dream
See I miss the days
when I wasn't so faded
Love wasn't always invasive
I could embrace it
Just innocent waitin'
not always living in anguish
When did I break
and become over taken
What was the moment I caved
and gave away all of my faith
And mad a replacement
I miss the days when
I miss the days when
I miss the smiles
we had when we were young
I miss the memories
of feeling love
I miss us runnin'
underneath the sun
Staring out the window
when the rain would come
I miss the smiles we had
when we were kids yeah
I feel like life was
so much simpler then yeah
When we had joy
and we were innocent
I'd give it all to feel
that way again way gain
Gimme my mind back yeah
gimme me mind back
The one that told me
I was worth something
when I fall flat
The one that told me
I was worth something
when I'm off track
Back when my imagination
wasn't in a cage
And it was free to run fast
Yeah gimme my mind back
gimme my-gimme my mind back
Before it was hi-jacked
and wasn't described as
A place of limitation
always indicating I can't
Handle everything from my past
Handed ended anything it dissects
Till I'm depressed
I know I'm blessed
But I'm cursed too
Take me back when
I was happy but I wasn't acting
Vulnerable but didn't see it
like some kinda weakness
Or a thing that's unattractive
Had emotion
but I learned to mask it
Didn't know
what I was running after
Didn't know the older
I would grow the more
I lose control
And takin' all the baggage
it's really sad when
Everything you thought
was stable crashes
Everything you thought
would take the sadness
Really only made it deeper
got me off the deep end askin'
Will we ever feel like we imagine
Will we ever feel like we adapted
Will we ever feel like
we did back then
Just take me back when
just take me back when
I miss the smiles we had
when we were young
I miss the memories
of feeling love
I miss us runnin'
underneath the sun
Staring out the window
when the rain would come
I miss the smiles
we had when we were kids yeah
I feel like life was
so much simpler then yeah
When we had joy
and we were innocent
I'd give it all to feel
that way again way again


I miss the smiles
we had when we were young
I miss the memories
of feeling love
I miss us runnin'
underneath the sun
Staring out the window
when the rain would come
I miss the smiles
we had when we were kids yeah
I feel like life was
so much simpler then yeah
When we had joy
and we were innocent
I'd give it all to feel
that way again way again

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