InformationAlbum NameOhArtist오헬렌 & 최솔Genre인디음악, 포크/블루스Release Date2020.03.02Release Agency포크라노스HangulShe died - 오헬렌 & 최솔 It’s urgent It’s urgent The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter I didn’t know you were blind How did your daughter die She has been mine all my life She never said no and then she died How thick the forest is How cold that water is How old this town is How fast time flies Lay her down here down here Lay her down here down here Although this girl lying in my arms without taking a breath Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anythingRomanizationShe died - ohelren & choesol It’s urgent It’s urgent The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter The sun’s becoming hotter and brighter I didn’t know you were blind How did your daughter die She has been mine all my life She never said no and then she died How thick the forest is How cold that water is How old this town is How fast time flies Lay her down here down here Lay her down here down here Although this girl lying in my arms without taking a breath Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Turn into anything Post navigation 오헬렌 & 최솔 – Don’t I know 오헬렌 & 최솔 – Paradise By be1lyric Related Post EP 멜로틱, 이윤진, 정건우 – 붉은 별, 푸른 별 Dec 19, 2024 be1lyric EP Various Artists, 염유리, 오유진, 정서주 – 꽃물 Dec 19, 2024 be1lyric EP Various Artists, 염유리, 오유진, 정서주 – 영영 Dec 19, 2024 be1lyric Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.