InformationAlbum NameRaindropArtist오닐 (ONiLL)GenreR&B/Soul, 인디음악Release Date2024.06.23Release Agency쿼터뮤직, 일리안Originalyeah I love when it’s raining outside I get soothed and relaxed when I hear the rain and I would spend couple hours cuz it gives me those memories of the rainy days when you were here and I just be stuck in my dream all day reminds me of the day when the heavy rain and the wind blew the umbrella away but I still held your hand so tight thou we got all wet we still laughed nothing could never take our smiles away yeah I love when it’s raining outside I get soothed and relaxed when I hear the rain and I would spend couple hours cuz it gives me those memories of the rainy days when you were here and I just be stuck in my dream all day do u remember the day when it rained all night that the rain let us hear the gentle lullaby the chat we had in bed lying down close together side by side I still miss every little thing we shared till the sun shines again I’ll be drowning all the way to the bottom when the sun finally shines again I’ll be back to where I am yeah I love when it’s raining outside I get soothed and relaxed when I hear the rain and I would spend couple hours cuz it gives me those memories of the rainy days when you were here and I just be stuck in my dream all day Post navigation 파니니 브런치 (PANINI BRUNCH) – 내게 남은 건 이별뿐 MORE – SUDA