Album Name
Virtual Love
팔칠댄스 (87dance)
인디음악, 록/메탈
Release Date
Release Agency

Maybe I'm a sleep
Maybe I'm a dead
Maybe I'm a medical
Maybe I'm a swindler
Maybe I'm a rich
Maybe I'm a beast
Maybe I'm a magician
Maybe I'm a super star
Because I'm blind and paranoid
I'm trippin on you're daydream
don't see that outside
Because I'm blind and paranoid
I'm trippin on you're daydream
don't see that outside
Maybe you want a fantasy
Maybe you want a memory
Maybe you want a famous life
Maybe you want a super star
Maybe you want a honeysleep
Maybe you want a lovestory
Maybe you want a paradise
Maybe you want a lookin smile
Because I'm blind and paranoid
I'm trippin on you're daydream
don't see that outside
Because I'm blind and paranoid
I'm trippin on you're daydream
don't see that outside
I just be on your mind
I say that 'I was in you're dream'
yeah I just wanna let you smile
I just be on your mind
I say that 'I was in you're dream'
yeah I just wanna let you smile
I just be on your mind
I say that 'I was in you're dream'
yeah I just wanna let you smile
I just be on your mind
I say that 'I was in you're dream'
yeah I just wanna let you smile

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