Album Name
Brighten The Corners
POP, 록/메탈
Release Date
Release Agency
Beggars Group

Transport Is Arranged - Pavement
You better find your way out
you better learn how to run
You better walk away
and leave the angles
for the shills
Well I've been thinking
for days about the means
and the ways that I could
hate all I touch
I know you're my lady
but I could trickle, I could flood
A voice coach taught me to sing
he couldn't teach me to love
All the above
Easy talkin' border blockin'
transport is arranged

Praise the grammar police,
set me up with your niece
Walk to Baltimore,
and keep the language
off the street
Well I'm of several minds
I am the worst of my kind
I wanna cremate the crutch
I know you're my lady
but phone calls
could corrupt the morning
I heed the surgeon's warning
pillars of eights

I swung my fiery sword
I vent my spleen at the lord
He is abstract and bored
too much milk and honey
Well I'll waltz
through the wilderness
with nothing
but a compass and a canteen
Settin' the scenes
Easy walkin' border blockin'
transport is arranged

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