InformationAlbum NamePet Shop Boys ChristmasArtistPet Shop BoysGenrePOPRelease Date2009.12.14Release Agency워너뮤직OriginalIt Doesn`t Often Snow At Christmas (New ... - Pet Shop Boys Christmas is not all it's cracked up to be Families fighting around a plastic tree Nothing on the TV that you'd want to see And it's hardly ever snowing The way it's meant to be Like in White Christmas year after year Bing Crosby Bring Crosby Are you listening to me It doesn't often snow at Christmas The way it's meant to do But I'll still have a glow at Christmas Because I'll be with you The Christmas message was long ago lost Now it's all about shopping and how much things cost It's meant to be goodwill as well as synthetic fun And what this is this year's festive number one It doesn't often snow at Christmas The way it's meant to do But I'll still have a glow at Christmas Because I'll be with you It doesn't often snow at Christmas The way it's meant to do But I'll still have a glow at Christmas Because I'll be with you It doesn't often snow at Christmas The way it's meant to do But I'll still have a glow at Christmas Because I'll be with you It doesn't often snow at Christmas The way it's meant to do But I'll still have a glow at Christmas Because I'll be with you Merry Christmas And a happy new year Post navigation Pet Shop Boys – The Pop Kids (The Full Story) 제이스, 반형문 – Away