InformationAlbum NameThursdayArtistPet Shop BoysGenrePOPRelease Date2013.11.04Release AgencyNHN벅스OriginalOdd Man Out - Pet Shop Boys Close the shop Pull down the blinds If anyone asks why Tell them it's time I thought he'd come back He said he would The blighter's done himself in I can't believe he could Nature's played me a dirty trick I'm going to disappear I want a few years peace and quiet far away from here The law says I'm a criminal but I can't help the way I am Trying to find some kind of love the only way I can I'm an odd man out Discretion guaranteed I don't scream and shout but I know what I need I'm an odd man out an outlaw on the run There's quite a few of us about in 1961 One day these laws will be swept into the bin No more blackmail or jail No one doing himself in Times will change too late to right the wrong Boy Barrett's dead and gone I'm an odd man out Discretion guaranteed I don't scream and shout but cut me and I'll bleed I'm an odd man out an outlaw on the run There's quite a few of us about in 1961 Nature played me a dirty trick I'm going to see I get a few years peace and quiet in return You've got a big position they'd listen to you You ought to be able to state our case Tell them there's no magic cure for how we are certainly not behind prison bars come to feel like a criminal an outlaw Do you know what I think Mr Farr I think Boy Barrett's well out of it Post navigation Pet Shop Boys – Memory Of The Future (New Single Mix) PK 헤만 – Be With You (Feat. 솔지 Of 2NB)