Various Artists - 우리는 버디프렌즈
Album Name
우리는 버디프렌즈
SE7EN, Various Artists
애니메이션/웹툰, 만화, 키즈
Release Date
Release Agency
㈜뮤직앤뉴, ㈜아시아홀딩스

What’s up! Birdy Friends
It’s me! Your boy, Pitta
Anyone can be friends with me
You like the adventure like I do?
Let’s do it together
Let’s go!
I fly to anywhere Pi Pi Pi Pitta
Come and follow me To together
We can fly to anywhere Pi Pi Pi Pitta
Just come and follow me To together
Say na na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na na
Say na na na na na na na na na na
Birdy Friends! Make some noise
I fly to anywhere Pi Pi Pi Pitta
Come and follow me To together
We can fly to anywhere Pi Pi Pi Pitta
Just come and follow me To together

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