Album Name
Release Date
Release Agency
Universal Music

The Lonely Hunter - Ultravox
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
I'm a lonely hunter, a hungry ghost
When you call a passion
you must pay the host
Look upon me as I thunder,
I wonder if you wonder
How it feels to be the lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
- 간 주 중 -
The wind blows clouds across my cheek
My collar's up and my coat is sleek
Look upon me as I blunder,
I wonder if you wonder
How it feels to be the lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
- 간 주 중 -
Lonely hunter
- 간 주 중 -
Lonely hunter

RomanizationThe Lonely Hunter - Ultravox
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
I'm a lonely hunter, a hungry ghost
When you call a passion
you must pay the host
Look upon me as I thunder,
I wonder if you wonder
How it feels to be the lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
- gan ju jung -
The wind blows clouds across my cheek
My collar's up and my coat is sleek
Look upon me as I blunder,
I wonder if you wonder
How it feels to be the lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
Lonely hunter
- gan ju jung -
Lonely hunter
- gan ju jung -
Lonely hunter

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