Album Name
부흥의 노래 Song of revival
더하트워십 The Heart Worship
워십, CCM
Release Date
Release Agency

Once that sea of the gentiles
Was also Israel's sea
The land where the gospel
went forth Zebulun and Naphtali
Isaiah foretold about it
The sea of pain and contempt
The land covered in darkness
has seen a great light shine through
Galilee Galilee
Sea of all sorrow
turns to the place of hope
Galilee Galilee
All of our tears
will become worship of joy
Once that sea of Lord Jesus
was also the disciple's sea
Come I'll make you fishers
of men Jesus said unto them
There He entrusted His work
Now also our destiny
When broken hearts
will sing together
nations will come back to Him
Galilee Galilee
Sea of all sorrow
turns to the Place of hope
Galilee Galilee
All our tears will become
worship of joy
Galilee Galilee
Sea of all sorrow
turns to the Place of hope
Galilee Galilee
All our tears will become
worship of joy
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
Jesus Jesus Jesus
Hope of all nations
He is Jesus our Lord
Hope of all nations
He is Jesus our Lord
Hope of all nations
He is Jesus our Lord

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