Album Name
Sounds of the Loop
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Release Date
Release Agency

I`m Not Too Young - Gilbert O`Sullivan
I'm not too young to fall in love
I'm not too young to smoke
I'm not too young to defend
myself if ever I'm provoked
I'm not too young
you mark my words
to be left on the shelf
I'm not too young I'm over one
Next year I will be twelve
I'm not as daft as one might think
if one's the word to use
For why not instead of one
Mustn't one instead use twos
I won't say that it makes
it any easier
but still it goes to show
That one can do what one must do
with twos or threes or fours
And while we're on the subject
let me say that for a start
although I failed my eleven plus
I really did try hard
And I've come to this conclusion
right or wrong about exams
You pass only because your
memory failed to go blank

I'm not too young to pay
the price for things I didn't do
I'm not too young they tell me
so I guess it must be true
I'm not too young to cry out
loud in Northern Ireland name
I'm not too young I'm everyone
a bomb has ever maimed
And by and large it's true
to say that even as we speak
A child not out in Africa
but believe it or not here
Is learning what it feels like
to exist without much food
And waits in what he calls
his home to be forcibly removed

I'm not too young to contract
AIDS but even in the womb
My mother can inject herself
and thus ensure my doom
I'm not too young
you mark my words
to be beaten black and blue
I'm not too young I'm over one
next year I will be two

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