InformationAlbum Name금발이 너무해 뮤지컬 OST (Legally Blonde The Musical)ArtistManuel Herrera, 'Legally Blonde' Ensemble, Amber Efe, Kate Shindle, Richard H. Blake, Natalie Joy Johnson, Matthew Risch, Michael Rupert, Laura Bell Bundy, Nikki SnelsonGenre국외뮤지컬Release Date2007.07.17Release Agency워너뮤직OriginalThere! Right There! - Original Broadway Cast There Right There Look at that tan that tinted skin Look at the killer shape he's in Look at that slightly stubbly chin Oh Please he's gay totally gay I'm not about to celebrate Every trait could indicate the totally straight expatriate This guy's not gay I say not gay That is the elephant in the room Well is it relevant to assume that a man who wears perfume is automatically radically fey But look at his coiffed and crispy locks Look at his silk translucent socks There's the eternal paradox Look what we're seeing What are we seeing Is he gay Of course he's gay Or European Gay or European It's hard to guarantee Is he gay or European Well hey don't look at me You see they bring their boys up different in those charming foreign ports They play peculiar sports In shiny shirts and tiny shorts Gay or foreign fella The answer could take weeks They will say things like ciao bella while they kiss you on both cheeks Oh please Gay or European So many shades of gray Depending on the time of day the French go either way Is he gay or European or There Right There Look at that condescending smirk Seen it on every guy at work That is a metro hetero jerk That guy's not gay I say no way That is the elephant in the room Well is it relevant to presume that a hottie in that costume Is automatically radically Ironically chronically Certainly pertin'tly Genetically medically GAY OFFICIALLY GAY OFFICIALLY GAY GAY GAY GAY DAMNIT Gay or European So stylish and relaxed Is he gay or European I think his chest is waxed But they bring their boys up different there It's culturally diverse It's not a fashion curse If he wears a kilt or bears a purse Gay or just exotic I still can't crack the code Yet his accent is hypnotic but his shoes are pointy toed Huh Gay or European So many shades of gray But if he turns out straight I'm free at eight on Saturday Is he gay or European gay or european Gay or Euro Wait a minute Give me a chance to crack this guy I have an idea I'd like to try The floor is yours So Mr Argitacos This alleged affair with Ms Windam has been going on for 2 years And your first name again is Mikos And your boyfriend's name is Carlos I'm sorry I misunderstand You say boyfriend I thought you say best friend Carlos is my best friend You bastard You lying bastard That's it I no cover for you no more Peoples I have a big announcement This man is Gay and European you've got to stop your being a completely closet case No matter what he say I swear he never ever ever swing the other way You are so gay You big parfait You flaming boy band cabaret I'm straight You were not yesterday So if I may I'm proud to say He's gay And European He's gay And European He's gay And European Post navigation Annaleigh Ashford, DeQuina Moore, Laura Bell Bundy, ‘Legally Blonde’ Ensemble, Leslie Kritzer, Orfeh – Bend And Snap Angela Predhomme – Love Love Love By be1lyric Related Post Album 마이진 – 시집장가 Mar 10, 2025 be1lyric Album 마이진 – 사모애(愛) Mar 10, 2025 be1lyric Album 마이진 – 하얀미소 Mar 10, 2025 be1lyric Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.