InformationAlbum Namewave 0.01Artistwave to earthGenre록/메탈, 인디음악Release Date2020.01.02Release Agency포크라노스Originalgold - wave to earth you’re the only one who knows my story yeah no one cares about it it is also humble life maybe everyone is the same everyone always wants to live a golden life everyone always wants to live a yeah I don’t need that golden life this moment is a gold to me cause you are always beside me you gotta know the golds just a gold yeah I don’t need that golden life we may not even have it anyway cause I’m just an ordinary man so I don’t need that golden life we're going to find wealth in the end but we cannot own it well I don't care where I'm goin maybe everyone is the same everyone always wants to live a golden life everyone always wants to live a yeah I don’t need that golden life this moment is a gold to me cause you are always beside me you gotta know the golds just a gold yeah I don’t need that golden life we may not even have it anyway cause I’m just an ordinary man so I don’t need that golden life Post navigation Way Ched (웨이체드) – Why do u say (Feat. MOON, ASH ISLAND) wave to earth – bonfire