Album Name
The Liar
The Waterboys
Release Date
Release Agency

The moon was gold in winter sky
the word was old the ink was dry
a vulture flew the eagle screeched
when the liar was impeached
The lady lay like one asleep
around her body thieves did creep
A crooked general gave a speech
when the liar was impeached

Moscow Mitch did squat and squirm
Cruz and Hawley spat Stand firm
Their tongues were forked
one and each
when the liar was impeached
Lord Haw-haw in his studio scowled
conspiracy crazies raved and howled
the shining Capitol gates
were breached
when the liar was impeached

Watching all this the liar stood
clad in his cloak of victimhood
He cursed and cried
blew and beseeched
And then he was impeached
when the liar was impeached
when the liar was impeached

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