Album Name
The Art Of Pretending
Glove Compartment
Release Date
Release Agency

You are dead to me
that's what you said
as I smiled at you
Why the fuck are you
still even here
If all of those years
meant nothing
Love is blind with truth and lies
While hope hangs up above
Sugarcoat your life
with smoke and mirrors
Nobody knows the secret to love
Man or wife or both or none
The same we're all built
the same aren't we
I guess that's true
that's why we're all fucked up
Nobody knows the secret to love
Love isn't picturesque
and love can make
murderers of us
Each time I swear
I'm done with that shit
I'm over it I'm over it
I'm over it
Then I go back
Hear shaped charms
and false alarms
that ring then quickly hang up
Some call fate one soul mate
What if there's 5 million
more out there
So what I'm dead to you
drink to me
If you're at the wake
For I'm just fine
now I've resigned I gave up
Nobody knows the secret to love

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